Solving the IAG-Grid Conundrum: Why Your Data Isn’t Refreshing and How to Fix It
Image by Linlee -

Solving the IAG-Grid Conundrum: Why Your Data Isn’t Refreshing and How to Fix It

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, wondering why your IAG-grid data refuses to refresh when you update it from an external component? Fear not, dear developer, for you are not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and provide you with a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and resolve this frustrating issue once and for all.

Understanding the IAG-Grid

The IAG-grid, or Infragistics Grid, is a powerful control library for building robust and feature-rich grid components in web applications. With its rich set of features, including data binding, filtering, sorting, and more, it’s no wonder it’s a popular choice among developers. However, with great power comes great complexity, and sometimes, that complexity can lead to headaches like the one we’re trying to solve today.

The Symptoms: Data Not Refreshing

You’ve updated your data from an external component, but the IAG-grid stubbornly refuses to reflect the changes. You’ve tried everything: re-binding the data, calling the grid’s `refresh()` method, even resorting to ancient incantations and sacrifice (just kidding, or are we?). But still, the data remains stubbornly stale. What’s going on?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of troubleshooting, let’s cover some common mistakes that might be causing your data to remain stuck in the past.

1. Not Updating the Grid’s Data Source

It’s easy to forget that the IAG-grid relies on its own data source to render the grid. If you’re updating the data from an external component, make sure you’re also updating the grid’s data source accordingly.

function updateGridData(newData) {
  // Update the grid's data source
  grid.dataSource = newData;
  // Call the grid's refresh method

2. Failing to Rebind the Grid

When the grid’s data source changes, it’s essential to rebind the grid to reflect those changes. Don’t assume that simply updating the data source will magically refresh the grid.

function updateGridData(newData) {
  // Update the grid's data source
  grid.dataSource = newData;
  // Rebind the grid

3. Inconsistent Data Structures

If your external component returns a data structure that’s incompatible with the IAG-grid’s expectations, you might be facing a data refresh issue. Double-check that the data structure matches the grid’s requirements.

Grid Expectation External Component Return
Array of objects Array of objects (correct!) or JSON string (incorrect)
JSON object JSON object (correct!) or XML string (incorrect)

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If the above solutions don’t work, it’s time to get down to business and dig deeper. Here are some advanced techniques to help you diagnose and resolve the issue.

1. Grid Events and Lifecycle

The IAG-grid provides a range of events and lifecycle methods that can help you identify where the issue lies. Use these events to debug and inspect the grid’s state:

  • `dataprocessing` event: Occurs when the grid processes data changes.
  • `datasourcechanged` event: Fired when the grid’s data source changes.
  • `refresh` method: Forces the grid to re-render with the latest data.
  • `getDataSource` method: Returns the current data source, allowing you to inspect its contents.
grid.on("dataprocessing", function(event) {
  console.log("Data processing event triggered!");

grid.on("datasourcechanged", function(event) {
  console.log("Data source changed event triggered!");

2. Browser DevTools and Console Logs

Fire up your favorite browser’s DevTools and inspect the console logs. Look for any errors, warnings, or informative messages that might indicate the source of the problem.

console.log("Grid data source:", grid.getDataSource());
console.log("Grid data:", grid.getData());

3. Grid Configuration and Options

Sometimes, the issue lies in the grid’s configuration or options. Review your grid settings to ensure they’re correctly configured:

  • `dataSource` option: Verify that the data source is correctly set and updated.
  • `dataBind` option: Check that data binding is enabled and properly configured.
  • `autoGenerateColumns` option: Ensure that column generation is correctly configured.
grid.options.dataSource = newData;
grid.options.dataBind = true;

Real-World Scenarios and Solutions

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where the IAG-grid data might not refresh and how to tackle them.

Scenario 1: Updating Data from an External API

You’re using an external API to fetch new data, but the IAG-grid refuses to refresh. Try the following:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(newData => {
    grid.dataSource = newData;

Scenario 2: Using a Third-Party Library to Fetch Data

You’re using a third-party library to fetch data, but the IAG-grid isn’t updating. Make sure the library’s callback or promise is properly resolving and updating the grid’s data source:

  .then(newData => {
    grid.dataSource = newData;

Scenario 3: Using a State Management System

You’re using a state management system like Redux or MobX to manage your application’s state. Ensure that the state changes are properly propagated to the IAG-grid:

store.subscribe(() => {
  const newData = store.getState().data;
  grid.dataSource = newData;


By now, you should have a solid understanding of why your IAG-grid data might not be refreshing and how to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Remember to:

  • Update the grid’s data source correctly.
  • Rebind the grid after updating the data source.
  • Ensure consistent data structures between the external component and the IAG-grid.
  • Use advanced troubleshooting techniques like grid events, lifecycle methods, and console logs.
  • Review and adjust grid configuration and options as needed.

If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Infragistics community or seek guidance from a fellow developer. With persistence and the right guidance, you’ll be refreshing that IAG-grid data in no time!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “iag-grid data is not refreshing when I change the data from an external component”:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with iag-grid data refresh issues? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

Why is my iag-grid data not refreshing when I change the data from an external component?

This is a classic issue! Make sure you’re calling the `redraw()` or `refresh()` method on the grid instance after updating the data from the external component. This will force the grid to re-render with the new data.

I’m using a reactive framework like Angular or React. Do I need to use a specific life cycle hook to refresh the grid?

Yes, you’re on the right track! In Angular, use the `AfterViewInit` life cycle hook to call the `redraw()` method. In React, use the `useEffect()` hook with the dependency array to refresh the grid when the data changes.

I’m using a observable data source. Do I need to notify the grid about the data changes?

If you’re using an observable data source, make sure to notify the grid about the data changes using the `notifyRowsChanged()` method. This will trigger the grid to refresh and display the updated data.

Is there a way to debug why the grid is not refreshing?

Yes, debug like a pro! Use the browser’s developer tools to check if the data is being updated correctly. Also, inspect the grid’s internal state using the `getGridOptions()` method to see if the data is being refreshed correctly.

Can I use a timer to periodically refresh the grid?

While it’s possible to use a timer to refresh the grid, it’s not the most efficient approach. Instead, try to trigger the refresh only when the data changes. This will improve performance and reduce unnecessary refreshes.