Effortless File Transfer via Apache NiFi using Transfer Configuration from PGDB
Image by Linlee - hkhazo.biz.id

Effortless File Transfer via Apache NiFi using Transfer Configuration from PGDB

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Are you tired of the hassle and complexity of traditional file transfer methods? Look no further! Apache NiFi is a powerful tool that enables seamless file transfer, and when paired with PGDB, it becomes an unstoppable force. In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to set up file transfer via Apache NiFi using transfer configuration from PGDB. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

What is Apache NiFi?

Apache NiFi is an open-source, data integration tool that allows users to manage and process data flows between systems. It provides a robust and flexible framework for building data pipelines, making it a popular choice among developers and data engineers.

What is PGDB?

PGDB, or Postgres Database, is a powerful relational database management system that enables users to store, manage, and retrieve data. When combined with Apache NiFi, PGDB provides a seamless way to transfer files using its configuration.


  • Apache NiFi 1.10.0 or later
  • Postgres Database (PGDB) 11 or later
  • NiFi-PGDB connector
  • Basic knowledge of Apache NiFi and PGDB

Step 1: Setting up Apache NiFi

Before we dive into the file transfer process, make sure you have Apache NiFi set up and running on your system. If you’re new to NiFi, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Apache NiFi from the official website.
  2. Extract the downloaded package to a directory (e.g., `nifi-1.10.0`).
  3. Navigate to the `bin` directory and run `nifi.sh` (on Linux/Mac) or `nifi.bat` (on Windows) to start NiFi.
  4. Access the NiFi UI by navigating to `http://localhost:8080/nifi` in your web browser.

Step 2: Creating a PGDB Connection

To establish a connection between Apache NiFi and PGDB, you’ll need to create a new connection in NiFi:

  1. In the NiFi UI, click on the “Components” toolbar button and select “Controller Services.”
  2. Click the “Create” button and select “DBCPConnectionPool.”
  3. Enter the following details:
Property Value
Database Connection URL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase
Username myusername
Password mypassword
Driver Class Name org.postgresql.Driver
  1. Click “Apply” to save the connection.

Step 3: Creating a NiFi Processor

Now, let’s create a NiFi processor to transfer files using the PGDB connection:

  1. In the NiFi UI, click on the “Components” toolbar button and select “Processors.”
  2. Click the “Create” button and select “GetFile.”
  3. Enter the following details:
Property Value
File Location Path to file(s) to transfer (e.g., `/path/to/files`)
Controller Service Select the PGDB connection created earlier
  1. Click “Apply” to save the processor.

Step 4: Creating a NiFi Flow

Now, let’s create a NiFi flow to transfer files:

  1. In the NiFi UI, click on the “Components” toolbar button and select “Process Groups.”
  2. Click the “Create” button and select “Process Group.”
  3. Drag and drop the GetFile processor created earlier into the process group.
  4. Drag and drop a “PutFile” processor into the process group.
  5. Connect the GetFile processor to the PutFile processor.
  6. Configure the PutFile processor to write the transferred file to a desired location (e.g., `/path/to/output`).

Step 5: Running the NiFi Flow

Finally, let’s run the NiFi flow to transfer files:

  1. In the NiFi UI, click on the “Start” button to start the process group.
  2. Monitor the NiFi UI to see the file transfer progress.
  3. Verify that the files have been successfully transferred to the desired location.


If you encounter any issues during the file transfer process, check the NiFi logs for error messages. Some common issues include:

  • Incorrect PGDB connection details
  • Invalid file paths or permissions
  • Network connectivity issues


And that’s it! You’ve successfully set up file transfer via Apache NiFi using transfer configuration from PGDB. With this powerful combination, you can seamlessly transfer files between systems, ensuring efficient data management and processing. Remember to explore further NiFi features and PGDB capabilities to unlock even more possibilities.

Note: This article assumes a basic understanding of Apache NiFi and PGDB. For more advanced configurations and customization, refer to the official NiFi and PGDB documentation.

Additional Resources

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve taken the first step towards harnessing the power of Apache NiFi and PGDB for effortless file transfer. Happy transferring!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about file transfer via Apache NiFi using transfer configuration from pgdb!

What is Apache NiFi, and how does it help with file transfer?

Apache NiFi is an open-source data integration tool that enables the transfer of data between systems. It provides a robust and scalable way to manage file transfers, allowing you to route data flows, transform data, and monitor performance. With NiFi, you can transfer files efficiently and securely, making it an ideal solution for organizations that require reliable data transfer.

How does NiFi retrieve transfer configuration from pgdb?

NiFi retrieves transfer configuration from pgdb using a database query. You can configure NiFi to connect to your pgdb database, and then use a Processor such as the `QueryDatabase` processor to execute a SQL query that retrieves the transfer configuration. The query results are then used to configure the file transfer process.

What are the benefits of using pgdb for transfer configuration in NiFi?

Using pgdb for transfer configuration in NiFi offers several benefits, including centralizing transfer configuration, reducing errors, and increasing scalability. By storing transfer configuration in a database, you can easily manage and update configurations, and NiFi can automatically retrieve the latest configuration. This approach also enables you to scale your file transfer processes more efficiently.

Can I customize the transfer configuration retrieved from pgdb in NiFi?

Yes, you can customize the transfer configuration retrieved from pgdb in NiFi using NiFi’s Expression Language (EL). EL allows you to manipulate and transform the data retrieved from the database, enabling you to adapt the configuration to your specific use case. You can also use NiFi’s built-in processors, such as the `UpdateAttribute` processor, to modify the configuration.

How do I troubleshoot issues with file transfer using NiFi and pgdb?

To troubleshoot issues with file transfer using NiFi and pgdb, start by checking the NiFi logs for errors and warnings. You can also use NiFi’s built-in debugging tools, such as the `Debug` processor, to inspect the data flow and identify issues. Additionally, verify that the database connection is correct, and the SQL query is retrieving the expected configuration. If necessary, you can also enable debug logging in the database to gather more information.

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